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Credit Profile of BorrowerCredit RatingCredit scoring rate of borrower
Fico Credit ScoreFICO credit scoring of borrower
Delinquent QuantityThe count of delinquencies or instances of late payments that an individual or entity has reported within the past two years
Percent of No Delinquent AccountThe percentage of credit accounts that have never been delinquent
Financial Metrics of BorrowerDebt to IncomeDebt to income is all monthly debt payments divided by gross monthly income (excluding mortgage)
Mortgage Debt to IncomeDebt to income including mortgage
Primary IncomePrimary Income of Borrower
Income VerifiedIncome verification status: True/ False
Loan DetailsOriginal Loan AmountInitial principal balance of a loan when it is first disbursed or originated
Outstanding Principal BalanceThe remaining amount of principal that you still owe on a loan at any given point in time, after accounting for any payments you have made toward the principal
Monthly Payment AmountSpecified amount that parties have agreed upon in a contract to be paid monthly
Loan TermThe duration of the loan agreement
Payment & Account Activities of BorrowerInquiry QuantityThe number of inquiries or requests for a credit report made by lenders
Number of Opened AccountsThe number of new accounts that have been opened by an individual
Number of Opened Accounts in 12 MonthsThe number of new accounts that have been opened by an individual within the past 12 months
Number of Mortgage AccountsThe count of active mortgage accounts that an individual holds within their credit profile
Banking & Credit Card MetricsTotal Active BankcardsThe total number of active bankcards, such as credit cards or other similar financial instruments, associated with an individual's credit profile
Total Good Standing Active BankcardsThe count of bankcards that an individual currently maintains in good standing within their credit profile
Credit LimitThe percentage of bankcard accounts (credit cards) where the balance is greater than 75% of the credit limit
Total Credit BalanceThe total credit balance excluding mortgage balances on an individual's credit report
Economic IndicatorsFederal Funds RateFederal Funds Effective Rate
Consumer Price IndexUS Consumer Price Index
Unemployment RateUnemployment Rate
LabelTargetDefault: 1, No_default: 0