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Pool Parameters Recommendation

Welcome to Untangled's Pool Parameters Recommendation feature! This powerful tool is designed to help users optimize their configurations for maximum profit while minimizing the risk of loan loss. Dive into the details of how this feature works and discover its key components.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of finance, particularly within the realm of cryptocurrencies, we are witnessing a transformative shift that extends beyond the traditional concepts of money and governance. Cryptocurrencies are introducing unprecedented opportunities for innovation, yet with these advancements come new challenges and risks.

One notable consequence is the emergence of both positive and malicious innovations. Peer-to-peer lending, for instance, has seen remarkable developments, accompanied by inventive methods for executing attacks against protocols. Unlike traditional companies, where hacking often involves exploiting software vulnerabilities, the crypto world presents a unique challenge—nefarious actors not only scrutinize code for flaws but also seek to exploit a protocol's intricate market mechanisms.

While risk management is a critical concern in both traditional finance and the crypto space, the latter introduces additional dimensions and technical dependencies. Protocols must address not only fundamental security issues but also adapt market parameters to minimize vulnerabilities in response to dynamic market conditions. Even a meticulously engineered and audited protocol, such as Aave, may not be immediately susceptible to a traditional hack. However, unforeseen shifts in liquidity and market efficiency could expose markets to manipulation without corresponding parameter updates.

To safeguard user funds and harness the full potential of blockchain technologies, any protocol operating in the crypto space must strategically set parameters. This is essential not only for enhancing security against traditional threats but also for mitigating downside risks arising from the intricate interplay of dynamic markets and evolving technical dependencies. The Pool Parameter Recommendation feature serves as a crucial tool in achieving this delicate balance, offering a proactive and automated risk management solution to optimize capital efficiency and safeguard the integrity of the protocol in the face of ever-changing market dynamics.

Recommendation at pool-level

Our Pool Parameter Recommendation platform stands out in the industry due to two key features that define its uniqueness:

Boosting Net Asset Value

The Pool Parameters Recommendation feature not only serves as a risk management tool but also acts as a catalyst for boosting your Net Asset Value (NAV). By optimizing fees and incentives, this innovative tool empowers users to make informed decisions, ensuring a balance between profitability and risk mitigation. As parameters are proactively set to align with market conditions, the protocol's financial health is bolstered, leading to enhanced capital efficiency and increased NAV. Furthermore, the reduction in the risk of loan defaults adds an additional layer of security and stability, instilling confidence in users and attracting further participation in the ecosystem. In essence, Pool Parameters Recommendation emerges as a dynamic asset, not just safeguarding against potential downsides but actively contributing to the growth and prosperity of the protocol.

Innovative Simulation Framework

At the core of our platform is an industry-leading simulation framework. Untangled employs a high-fidelity agent-based simulation platform to emulate RWA debt and liquidation behaviors. Conducting hundreds of thousands of simulations with diverse price trajectories, we measure the impact of key variables like Value at Risk and Borrow Usage with statistically significant confidence. This results in an unparalleled understanding of asset and chain configurations, revealing optimal parameters irrespective of market conditions. Armed with this knowledge, the Aave community can proactively establish parameters, fortifying the protocol against potential bad debt.

Absolute Commitment to Transparency

Our second key feature is an unwavering commitment to transparency. We extend an open invitation to the broader Real World Asset (RWA) community, sharing our tools and methodologies whenever possible. This transparency allows everyone to delve into our simulations, grapple with results, and witness firsthand the potential consequences of different parameter configurations. By providing clear and concise information, we instill a sense of accountability and trust in our platform. The combination of transparency and data availability transforms our platform into a valuable tool for decision-making and continuous community education.

The launch of the Untangled parameter recommendation platform signifies a commitment to these principles. It represents the initiation of a new era for the RWA community, offering enhanced capabilities to analyze, understand, and optimize capital efficiency for the protocol. We encourage the community to view this as an opportunity for collaboration, as we continually refine our methodology to align with the protocol's evolution. Together, we aim to propel the RWA community into a future of informed decision-making and strengthened protocol resilience.